Saturday, May 5, 2012

Illusion of Motion by Multiple Image. The man walking down the stairs almost in a ghostly figure shows motion in multiples.
Illusion of Motion by Blurred Object. When artists want to create an illusion of motion by blurred object their details and outlines are lost in fast movement. This picture is a great example of that because we can clearly see the car's sideview mirror but everyhing around it is blurred. This creates the effect that the car is in motion.
Illusion of Motion by Repeated Figure. The image of the boarded shows the motion of the backflip in a frame by frame action.
Anticipated Motion. The anticipated motion that we are expecting is for this woman to continue her transformation into spider-man/woman and jump into action. The motion that we expect makse this piece an anticipated motion piece of work.
Spartial Puzzles (equivocal space) The hazy background covered by streeks of light make for a good representation of Spartial puzzles.
Multiple Perspective. This piece showcases multiple perspective because there are several people in the picture doing different things. Individual viewers can derive different meanings and scenarios from this piece.
Amplified Perspective. The foot in this piece is a great example of amplified perspective. It appears that the foot is oversized but when looking at the entire piece it seems just right.